Meteorological Instrumentation and Observations Group
- Functions of the departments or groups of attention to the network
- Functions of weather stations
- Weather stations
Functions of the departments or groups of attention to the network
a) Prepare the comprehensive observation plan for the provincial network, sending it to CARE for approval.
b) Guides and supervises the fulfillment of all the methodological norms that are applied in the stations, during the process of meteorological observation in the different specialties.
c) Make technical advisory visits to the stations, no less than three times a year.
d) Execute station inspections, applying the supervision guide approved by CITMA, three times a year.
e) Maintains daily control of the flow of information from the stations to the communications group and acts according to the circumstances.
f) Provide periodic information to CARE, as established by the latter.
g) Reviews the primary data, as well as checks its performance in the stations, according to regulations.
h) It is responsible for offering the required attention to the stations, to resolve the adequate living conditions of the personnel; elevating to the higher instance those that escape its management level.
i) Attends to the instruments and equipment installed in the meteorological stations, demanding compliance with the regulations in this regard.
j) Plans, controls and demands the annual improvement plan for network personnel. Qualifies the new Operators, strictly following the current Study Program.
k) Participates together with the corresponding personnel of the PMC for the systematic fulfillment of defense tasks, the control of state assets, physical protection and health.
l) Prepares the work plan for the month and controls compliance. It holds monthly group meetings and three technical meetings a year with all network members.
m) Supports the management of commercial services of the PMC, through the Departments or Groups in charge of these functions.
n) Participates in the annual planning of the human, material and financial resources required by the Network of Stations. In the province of Villa Clara there are 5 meteorological stations. They are:
- Caibarien weather station
- Sagua La Grande weather station
- Yabu weather station
- La Piedra weather station
- Santo Domingo weather station
Functions of weather stations
a) Strictly comply with the Comprehensive Annual Observation Plan, carrying out the same, as established by the WMO for each specialty.
b) Comply with what is oriented in current regulations, in relation to meteorological instruments and equipment.
c) Efficiently guarantee the daily and ten-yearly flow of meteorological data information, according to the PMC regulations.
d) Performs the daily review process, applying the current methodology.
e) Send monthly on the indicated date, all the technical and administrative documentation to the GARE.
f) Controls the fulfillment of the functional duties of each member, and evaluates them annually.
g) Prepares and controls the monthly work plan, carrying out the corresponding technical meeting.
h) Maintains relations with the municipal organizations of its territory, offering meteorological information in accordance with the guidelines of the GARE.
i) Participate together with the corresponding personnel of the PMC for the systematic fulfillment of defense tasks, the control of state assets, physical protection and health.
j) Participates in the preparation and control of the annual improvement plan for each technician.
k) Supports the commercialization work carried out by the PMC through the specialized Departments or Groups.
Weather stations
La Piedra
Located on the road to Jibacoa, km 4, Manicaragua municipality.
???? (042) – 492545
Located on the Tres Carolinas farm, Santo Domingo municipality.
???? (042) – 403105
Located in Alturas de San Felipe, Caibarién municipality.
???? (042) – 0363757
Located on the road to Quemado de Güines, km 2, municipality of Sagua la Grande.
???? (042) – 665483